Thursday, January 30, 2020

Manac Plc Essay Example for Free

Manac Plc Essay The assignment Background information You are the financial director of a large, ficticious company called Manac plc, which produces and sells a range of standard electrical goods. Production and sales take place across a number of countries. The company uses standard costing and absorption costing as part of its approach to strategic management accounting. The Board of Directors is concerned that the company is not meeting its budgeted target profits; the managing director takes the simple view that more sales mean more profits and that the products have not been priced to sell in sufficient numbers. While you are aware that this is a possibility you recognise that the real reason for the lower than expected profits may be more complex. You have therefore decided to conduct a full review of variances to identify those areas which have not met budgeted expectations. Assignment Requirements While this review is underway and to improve the board of directors understanding of the issues involved, you have decided to produce a report to the board of directors which addresses the following 3 topics: i. The models and concepts affecting the pricing decisions taken by organisations, critically reflecting upon their usefulness (maximum mark 33%). i. The role of standard costing and variance analysis in management accounting and a critically discussion of the value and limitations of variance analysis as a means of identifying key areas which have contributed to the overall profit figure (maximum mark 33%). iii. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing an Activity Based Costing syst em to replace the current Absorption Costing system (maximum mark 34%). The report should include critical evaluation of the models and concepts proposed outlining their merits and limitations. You may incorporate logical assumptions with regard to the company and use numerical examples to illustrate the models and concepts that you propose to adopt The University policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to this piece of work. Guidance: Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and innovative in their approach as to what should be included in this report the following may be of some use in providing guidance as to what could possibly be included, although this is in no way meant to be prescriptive. The aim of the ssignment is to help you understand how key areas of strategic management accounting are demonstrated in practice by a large, international company. This will include investigating topics from throughout the course linked to the above issues. Some of the principles, concepts ad models will be more relevant to your chosen approach than others and so it is likely that different students will formulate different approaches to the problems. This is n ormal, it is not expected that all of the course content will be used in the analysis, concentrate on that which you feel is most important. As part of your work you might find it helpful to briefly explore the underlying theory behind the key areas of investigation that you identify before applying them to report. With a total of 3,000 words you do not have a lot of room for long introductions so assume you are writing to a sophisticated audience who has a working knowledge of strategic management accounting and is well versed in business theory. Numerical example for illustrative purposes may be of use but should not be the main thrust of the work. If used they should be to provide evidence to support your findings from your other analysis of position and policies. If other sources are used remember to reference everything! Please avoid relying too heavily on descriptive sections reproducing information available from course material or the set text. It is your own logical, evaluation of the situation, the interpretation of course material and presentation, with critical analysis, of a coherent strategic plan that will attract high marks. Marking Guide The learning outcomes for this module assessed by this piece of work are Knowledge 1. Critically evaluate a range of key strategic management accounting models and concepts. . Critically understand of specific analytical skills in key areas within management accounting at local and international level

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Whether Ritalin is Overprescribed or Not :: Argumentative Ritalin Prescription Drugs Essays

Whether Ritalin is Overprescribed or Not Is Ritalin the Answer to AD (H) D?The tousled brown hair that weaves so mischievously around his head may hint at the way he feels inside. He is seven-years-old and has already had to repeat a grade. He has an imagination that puts others to shame, but nothing seems to hold his attention for more than five minutes. He was recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or what we call AD (H) D.This scene is all too familiar for individuals who discover that they, too, have this learning disorder as they progress from elementary school to college. And in today's society we want a "quick fix" to remedy our problems. Therefore doctors are prescribing the drug, Ritalin, to control AD (H) D. Although Ritalin is a widely used drug to control AD (H) D, there are other safer alternatives to combat this worldwide disorder.Ritalin, like many other drugs, has several side effects-some of which are severe. Ritalin is in a class of drugs called Methylphetamines. These types of drugs (also called Central Nervous System or CNS stimulants) affect our central nervous system that controls everything from thought process to everyday breathing. Ritalin's major side effects influences the cardiovascular system (palpitation, tachycardia, and increased blood pressure), the central nervous system (psychosis, dizziness, headache, insomnia, tic syndromes, attacks of Gilles de la Tourette), gastrointestinal (anorexia, nausea), endocrine/metabolic system (weight loss, growth suppression). Also, Ritalin is a fairly new drug (introduced in the early eighties). It hasn't been around long enough to study the long-term effects.Since Ritalin is a Methylphetamine (closely related to the amphetamine f amily, such as cocaine), it has a high rate of abuse. In light of methylphenidate's abuse liability, it is important to note the tremendous increase in availability of this substance and the expanded population (adolescents and adults) receiving prescriptions for the treatment of AD (H) D. For example, the production quota for methylphenidate has increased from 1,361 kg in 1985 to 10,410 kg in 1995 with the primary increases occurring in the last five years. This drug is abused in two ways. One way is for recreational purposes. The abusers use the drug as a form of "speed" to pick themselves up. They feel that they need this in order to be "alive" and full of life. The other way this drug is abused is very different. Students are using Ritalin as a study aid.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to revive old traditions from the past and appreciate them in our modern and exponential times. However, there still are possibilities to cherish some of the archaic literature today that were written so long ago. Celebrated as one of the greatest dramas of all time, Romeo and Juliet depicts a tragedy of two lovers who come from feuding families. The play was first written in the 1500s by William Shakespeare. Almost four-hundred years later, the tragic play was made into a movie in 1968 by Franco Zeffirelli.There are similarities in props and scenes, and distinctions between the original play and the 1968 movie considering the moods and plot details. Either way, the play and the 1968 movie both have glorious presentations. As for the mood, there a few differences between the two versions of the tragedy. In the dialogue of marriage in the play, Romeo and Juliet are serious and sedate. In Zeffirelli’s version of the play, the marriage scene make s Romeo and Juliet to look almost like fools of young love because they are constantly kissing and giggling.In a marriage, the bride and groom are to be calm and patient because it is an important step in their lives, and the play shows this kind of character. The movie does not portray this realistic kind of character. During the â€Å"funeral† ceremony for Juliet, the Friar Lawrence made a giggle because he already knew about the secret plan. This part destroyed the sad and mischievous mood of the scene. Nevertheless, I believe the play and Zeffirelli’s movie did a great job in explaining the tragedy, but the movie could have been a lot more enticing if it weren’t for those minor slip-ups.The play also could have used some help because it felt like the characters lacked some expression unlike the movie, but I cannot criticize which one was better because the play is the way it is to be. One thing that the movie and the play collaborated together, were the prop s and scenes. Full of old-fashioned dresses and rocky buildings, both productions have a very 1500s mood. Aside from the moods of the play, some of the plot details have been left out in both the movie production and the play. The play does a good job of explaining why Romeo was upset with Rosaline.The movie-viewers are confused up to why Romeo is upset. Besides, if it weren’t for Rosaline, Romeo would never have met Juliet in the first place. I believe the wedding scene in the movie was a good choice, which wasn’t shown in the play. The viewers would be confused at a point when watching the play because they would not know if Romeo and Juliet get married or not. Zeffirelli’s movie shows the marriage scene of Romeo and Juliet which made the plot clearer. One thing that seemed constant and realistic in the movie is the number of deaths in the tragedy.The play shows the tragedy of six deaths, while the movie shows only four deaths. One of the goals that most movie -makers have in order to make a successful movie is to leave the audience on happy note and not depressed. Unlike from Shakespeare, who wanted to express dramatic, tragic, and young love, Zeffirelli did what was best for the audience and plot of the movie by decreasing the number of deaths in his production. Plus, I do appreciate the fact that the movie actually follows the play, unlike other movie productions of stories. The plot details in the scenes seemed pretty constant overall.Unable to admire obsolete literature, we often tend to forget the old saying, â€Å"old is gold. † Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written in the 16th century by William Shakespeare. The tragedy tells a legend about two young lovers who come from long-rivaling families. In 1968, Franco Zeffirelli made this play into a movie, after realizing the beauty of this tragedy. However, there are similarities and difference between the two production like mentioned earlier. Nevertheless, the original play and the 1968 movie tend to be some of the greatest classics to be told.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Inculcation Of Lower Level Military Diplomacy International - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2187 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Research paper Topics: Military Essay Did you like this example? Foreign policy is the system of activities evolved by communities and nations for changing the behaviour of other states and for adjusting their own activities to the international environment. The foremost task of foreign policy analysis must be to throw light on the ways in which states attempt to change, and succeed in changing the behaviour of other states. George Modelski INTRODUCTION 1. Perception Management is the art of shaping up the public opinion of a target audience in coherence with the overall national, political and military objectives as defined by a nation states policy on international relations. Public Diplomacy is a major component of the Perception Management strategy besides Public Information, Information Operations and Psychological Operations, the last being the only defined tool in the realms of diplomacy in the military domain. In the post cold war world the role of diplomacy has visibly changed and expanded in the face of far more unstable international conditions. This is partly because of the emergence of complex relationships between a large number of power centres, including nation states, states run by military forces, United Nations Organisation, Non Governmental Organisations as well as non-state actors. These developments are adding to the machinery of diplomacy and modifying the established character of diplomacy in significant wa ys. The scope of diplomatic practice has grown to adapt to the changing needs of changing international environments. It is evident in the contemporary world order that the diplomatic techniques have altererd in response to new needs and it is of paramount importance that India too, as an aspirant world power, restructures its Perception Management campaign by adapting to the contemporary needs of the changing environments in the international relations. While Military Diplomacy is a new dimension to a nations diplomatic efforts, India is still lacking in using this critical tool of state-craft in pursuance of its overall national objectives. METHODOLOGY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 2. It is felt that Military Diplomacy in Indian context is being exercised with shallow understanding of the subject and its implementation by Indian higher echelons is a stand-alone effort without judiciously utilising all the resources available within the Indian military system. This study seeks to highlight the missing link in the overall scheme of Indian Military Diplomacy, that there is a need to inculcate an understanding at the joint services level to appreciate the growing importance of military diplomacy at the lower levels in armed forces across the world, and tap vast potential available in the Indian system that is presently being under-utilised. HYPOTHESIS 3. A top-down approach in implementing military diplomacy can not in itself achieve the larger aim of an effective and credible national military diplomatic effort. Higher level military diplomacy needs to be complemented at lower levels also to include lower echelons of military ambassadors to achieve the desired national objectives. JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY 4. After the two World Wars, the wars of Iraq-Iran, the Vietnam War and the Arab Israel wars, there was a lull at the international stage for some years and only the cold war ensued. The end of cold war brought some limited wars into focus li ke Chechnya conflict, Georgian war, Kargil war, Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict, Invasion of Kuwait and Global War on Terror (GWOT). With these military and semi-military confrontations, the military aspects of diplomacy are gaining significance. International powers like the USA, France, UK, Germany and Australia have embarked on using military as an indispensible tool in the overall perception management operations by specialising cadres in the military ranks to perform the said role. China and Pakistan have also been noticeably leveraging their national policies with a well structured Defense Diplomacy campaign. Though India is also on board the initiative, however, present understanding of Indian Military Diplomacy and its implementation is only broad based and not total without effectively employing and integrating the potential available at lower echelons of military hierarchy also. 5. Immediate Relevance of the Problem. It is felt that a large pool of human resource within the t hree services in the Indian defense forces presently goes untapped towards contributing in the overall implementation of military diplomacy in the contemporary scenario. There is a felt need to focus on the issue, research on any existing policy guidelines or mechanism to unify the overall effort in this direction to include selection criteria and training of military diplomats, and arrive at recommendations by way of creating a structure and mechanism in our organisation so as to optimally channelise the available potential within the defense forces towards a planned and well defined perception management campaign at the national level. 6. Essence of The Subject. (a) State craft is no longer the privilege of only politicians and bureaucrats. In the contemporary geo-strategic environment, it is equally relevant to all Official State Ambassadors, irrespective of their level. The sphere of influence of a lower echelon military ambassador would be limited in scope, but is more in formal and would in effect be more intense and specific to a particular community. (b) Deployment of large military human resource abroad on official assignments with no defined military aim is a futile exercise and wastage of a potent tool of practicing state craft. Realistic thinking indicates that à ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ'†¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Friendships cannot be thrust upon or pushed down, but friends can push-up betterment of overall relations. In the prevalent global order marred with numerous and frequent military confrontations amongst states and equally among states and non-state actors, military diplomacy is one tool that can assist in achieving a higher degree of understanding amongst the affected sides and preclude or limit military stand-offs. (c) Manoeuvring the minds of the adversaries is a known form of military conduct. However, in the new world order, it is the art of influencing and shaping the perceptions of the neutral world community as well that would fall in the realms of manoeuvristic ethos of the militaries. As an aspirant global power and permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, it is imperative that India puts its best foot forward in shaping the world opinion in its favour in all perspectives. Military per se, is a far reaching and most effective tool in conduct of such a Perception Shaping Campaign by the virtue of its multifarious engagement capability of the international community at all levels of hierarchy. SCOPE 7. This study concentrates on highlighting the incomplete implementation of military diplomacy in the Indian context with a view to bring out recommendations to ameliorate the overall structure, process and mechanism to unify the approach towards achieving the desired national and military objectives. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 8. The subject in reference is understood to have not been addressed by many renowned writers or defense analysts in any dedicated books. The process of collection of data would hence be more inclined towards non-documentary sources to include views of individuals with expertise or experience on the subject and institutional / organisational feedbacks. 9. Notwithstanding the above stated limitations, the subject research would encompass the following. (a) Books on Indian Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of India. (b) Reference from Indian Military / Army Doctrine (unclassified portion only). (c) Articles on the subject on internet. (d) Interaction with civilian / defense experts on the subject. (e) Interaction with individuals with experiences in relation with the study. (f) Feedbacks from Governmental offices / organisations and military branches / directorates (open sources only). (g) Perspectives of foreign student officers attending DSSC 66 course. (h) Defense magazines / journals. 10. Research Cycle. The following issues will be considered during the research and appropriately streamlined t o prove / disprove the proposed hypothesis. (a) Changing geo-strategic scenario and Indias increasing role in the world order. (b) Role of Indian Military to support National aims / objectives, or exert the will of the nation. (c) What is being achieved and what are the shortcomings of present Military involvement in overall national defense diplomacy design. (d) Higher echelons / political leaders influence the public opinion of their peoples, however it is by a feed and eat approach. The populace does not form its own opinions to the extent of influencing the outcome of a nations attitude towards a subject country, in this case, India. (e) As India looks into the future into next two decades or so, she sees a glimpse of a potential geo-strategic power poised to shaping up the world opinion. To do so, the efforts to channelize world opinion in our favour must be oriented towards an all encompassing approach to include a top-down, a bottom-up as also a lateral engagem ent of the worlds diaspora. (f) Military continues to be pivotal in formulating national responses in the foreseeable future, and hence it becomes even more important to plan and execute shaping up the military opinion the world over in our favour right from now on. (g) It is natural that the Captains of today will be the Generals of tomorrow. A favourable opinion towards India built in today, will pay rich dividends when it would matter the most in the times to come. (h) Role of Indian Armed Forces interactions with the international Military components in various forums as follows:- (i) UN Missions (as Military Observers (MILOBs), Staff Officers (SOs), Military Contingents and on civilian staff vacancies.) (ii) Foreign training exchange programs to include Military Training Teams and Military courses. (iii) Deputations as Military or Defense Attaches (MAs / DAs). (iv) Multinational / Bilateral Military Exercises. (v) Training Visits or observer exchange pr ograms to / from friendly foreign countries. (vi) Equipment trials during new military hardware acquisitions. (vii) Joint participation in humanitarian assistance missions like Tsunami relief. (viii) Multi-national operations like anti-piracy operations. (ix) World Military Games meets. (x) Strategic level military conferences / forums like IONS (Indian Ocean Naval Symposium). (xi) Nepalese contribution to IA. (xii) Military Martial Music Exchange Programs. (j) Convictions on Present Status of Indian Military Diplomacy in Lower Echelons. (i) Vast Indian military resource being deputed / employed without any dedicated thought / foresight in the future. (ii) Selection procedure for important foreign missions / assignments and preparation for appointments / roles not streamlined to meet national and military diplomatic objectives. (iii) Superficial handling of the matter by all concerned at the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defense (IHQ of MOD) and non-accountability of officers or personnel on foreign assignments towards their contribution to the overall system during their tenures. (iv) Foreign assignments more focused and sought for personal financial gains and not oriented towards a national diplomatic effort. (v) Presently, individualistic approach is predominant in whatever lower level military diplomatic interactions take place at various forums. No dedicated thought or effort goes into addressing a particular nations community as a whole at lower level military interactions. No unified policy guides such good opportunities which are mostly informal yet influential, albeit sometimes would pay dividends after considerable period of time. (vi) Presently, no institutionalised training is imparted to handle such diplomatic opportunities by our lower level ambassadors. No objectives are defined by higher offices that should guide our actions when on such assignments. (vii) Despite a huge military diaspora fr om India contributing all over the globe as also when not being available for in country military service, this potential still remains untapped and non-channelized primarily because of the following. (aa) No defined policy / doctrine on the subject. (ab) No structure / mechanism in place to do the needful. (ac) Such a role not chartered to any existing organisations / military branch / directorate. (ad) Selection for assignments, and post employment not synchronous. (ae) Briefings debriefings by selected few desks in Military Intelligence (MI) / Service Duties (SD) Directorates usually a formality. (viii) System of time bound foreign assignment bans is purely mathematical and has merits and demerits in the existing practical aspects, however, for military diplomacy, non availability of an experienced person for a follow up assignment could actually prove detrimental to the larger scheme of things. CHAPTERISATION 11. It is proposed to study the subject in th e following manner. (a) Chapter-I. Introduction. (b) Chapter-II. Trace the advent of Military Diplomacy. (c) Chapter-III. Scope of exercising Military Diplomacy as part of overall National Diplomatic effort. (d) Chapter-IV. Various tools available to practice Military Diplomacy. (e) Chapter-V. Relevance of Military Diplomacy in Indian context and present status of implementation. (f) Chapter-VI. Present Status of Military Diplomacy at Lower Echelons. (g) Chapter-VII. Structures, processes and mechanisms required to address the issue. (h) Chapter-VIII. The way forward in the future. (j) Chapter-IX. Recommendations. (k) Chapter-X. Conclusion. CONCLUSION 12. There is certainly a need to address the issue of channelising the foreign assignees from the defense forces to perform their duties in accordance with a well defined policy / doctrine dictated by the overall national and military objectives. Military ambassadors at various levels serve as best t ool to exercise military diplomacy and to shape up the international opinion in our nations favour by reaching the roots of a foreign military and delivering the essence of Indias correct perspective. Practicing Military diplomacy should not be restricted only to higher echelons of political, diplomatic and military chairs, but should become a part and parcel of all state actors in whatever capacity they represent the nation state. Practicing state craft must become second nature to all military personnel in India and Military Diplomacy a common subject of mutual understanding. Don’t waste time! 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